Tumbledown Cottage, Churchstanton, Taunton
01823 602 829
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28 Alexandra Terrace, Exmouth. EX8 1BD

Company number 08728228

VAT registration number 300029276.


Thinking of using a Building Notice?


  1. With this type of application you are only required to submit an application form, a location plan (if an extension is involved) and the appropriate fee.
  2. The services of a designer are not essential but certain details may be requested at a later stage.
  3. Once the application has been submitted you need only wait 48 hours before starting the work, avoiding any time delays inherent in the Full Plans Application.


  1. As no plan is needed you will not receive the protection and reassurance that an approved notice would give you.
  2. The whole process of making sure your project complies with the Building Regulations is carried out at the site inspection stage. This has one major disadvantage: if a problem is found it will usually be after work has been carried out and therefore involve a degree of remedial work and additional potentially escalating costs.
  3. With the Building Notice application you are effectively taking the whole risk of making sure the work complies with the Building Regulations on your own shoulders.
  4. You need to be very sure that you or your builder is familiar with all the relevant regulations and you will need to prove that the works comply when the Building Control Officer visits your site.
  5. The absence of a plan can lead to complications if a dispute arises between you and your builder.
  6. Notices are only suitable forĀ  domestic work providing you are not building over or within 3m of a public sewer, or building a new dwelling which fronts onto a private road. If you are in any doubt, please contact your local water supplierĀ or us for further clarification.

Pros and cons of Building Notice | The Complete Building Regs Service